5Rhythms with Rose

Monday evening 

5Rhythms class in Bradford

We meet in person every Monday to dance through 'Waves' of the 5Rhythms.

The class starts at 7pm (it's fine to arrive from 6.45pm) and we finish at 9pm.


“The movement is the medicine, the meditation, and the metaphor” – Gabrielle Roth.


5Rhythms is a dynamic movement and dance practice - a practice of being in your body - that ignites creativity, connection and community. The 5Rhythms - Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness - are states of being. They are a map to everywhere we want to go, on all planes of consciousness - inner and outer, forward and back, physical, emotional and intellectual.

5Rhythms movement transcends the dance.


Our venue is the St Hugh's Centre on Coach Rd, BD17 5HS


The price for the in-person classs is a sliding scale depending on ability to pay:£15/£12/£10/£8


Newcomers and experienced dancers equally welcome, please text me on 07795253817 if you'd like to join us so I've an idea about numbers, thank you!


Please wear clothes that are easy to move in and prepare to dance bare footed or in soft dance shoes, no heels please. Bring a bottle of water (tap water available), a willingness to move and your curiosity!



Sunday Morning Waves

This is now an online class, which runs monthly, 10.30am - 12pm

The next class is Sunday February 9th 2025

please email me at dancing5rwithrose@gmail.com for details.

 Finding sanctuary in the dance.

You're invited to join us in a Wave of the 5Rhythms online via Zoom.

Time and space to luxuriate in embodied movement,

to move mindfully, unpredictably and creatively with like-minded souls.

Price sliding scale between £10 and £6, paid via PayPal or BACS





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© Karen Ramsay