5Rhythms workshops with Rose Ramsay in Bradford



Sunday 23rd Feb ‘Fire In the Belly’

Staccato. Fire. Intention. Dancing through the Wave of the 5Rhythms, exploring the ground of our being, honouring our needs and establishing our boundaries. Moving with passion. Clearing out what no longer serves and giving it in the dance to the fires of Staccato! Making space for our hopes and dreams to find their form.

Sunday 23rd March ‘Spring Into Action!’

A Spring Equinox workshop that celebrates the return of longer days. Dancing through Waves of the 5Rhythms, releasing into movement the hopes and dreams we’ve been nurturing throughout the winter, letting them go and trusting that life will catch our dreams.

Sunday 27th April ‘Wild Melody’

Dancing with the wildness of spring, using all our senses to awaken body, heart, mind and soul to the delicious joy of unfurling into the warmer and lighter days ahead. A day to unravel and stretch into the rhythm of Lyrical.


The price of each workshop is £40/£30

Times: 11am – 5pm

To book and for more information please contact Rose at dancing5rwithrose@gmail.com or on 07795253817

Everyone is welcome. Booking required. No experience needed.











5Rhythms in Bradford every Monday evening, 7pm -9pm, everybody welcome!







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© Karen Ramsay